The Massachusetts and school district's Race to the Top grant funds will cover the cost of course tuition, fees, and books for enrolled students. Students are responsible for any other school supplies.
Eligibility Requirements
- Students in Information Technology Chapter 74 approved programs
- Students with a 2.5 GPA
- Two teacher recommendations (technical and academic)
- Writing sample
- Personal Interview
- Letter of commitment signed by parents/guardians and student
- Must be from one of the participating schools

Think outside the box!
As a 'hybrid' course, some classes will be online, some will be with cohorts in participating schools, and some will be at the Northeastern University College of Professional Studies campus in Boston. Transportation will be arranged through the sending schools.
Mission Statement
To provide opportunities for CVTE students to develop the knowledge and skills necessary for success in post-secondary education and STEM focused pathways in a 21st Century economy.

January 7
Begin distribution of information to students and
parents. Begin to accept student nominations
and applications.
February 1
Application packets due from schools to the
MAVA review board.
February 4
Students selected for interviews.
Week of February 11 and Week of February 25
Student interviews
March 1
Final student selections announced
May 4
Student and parent meeting for accepted
Orientation on Northeastern University Boston
campus for all accepted students and parents.
Early July
Student begins first course.
Blackboard training on Northeastern University
campus for cohort of 25-30 students, followed by
the first Northeastern course.

Contact Us!
For more information, contact Peter Dewar, Director of Professional Development, Massachusetts Association of Vocational Administrators, at 508.528.5400 extension 208, or via email, dewar @ tri-county.tc
So Who Are We Exactly?
We are a collaboration between Northeastern University College of Professional Studies and the Massachusetts Association of Vocational Administrators, represented by a consortium of the following schools: Assabet Valley Regional Technical High School, Bay Path Regional Vocational Technical High School, Greater Lowell Technical High School, Joseph P Keefe Technical High, Madison Park Technical Vocational High School, Minuteman High School, North Shore Technical High School, Southeastern Regional Vocational-Technical High School, and Worcester Technical High School.